
It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a HarmoCast – the official podcast of the Alexandria Harmonizers.

Listen online or subscribe via itunes, your favorite RSS feed, audio aggregator, etc.

Leave us a note as we’d love to hear your feedback on the show or any topics of interest you’d like us to tackle in future shows.

  1. #1 by Ron Baker on March 15, 2010 - 2:51 pm

    Just listening to Marketing 101 where you discuss the value of your podcast. I am a member of the Tippecanotes Chorus in Lafayette, Indiana and recently discovered HarmoCast through LiveWire 3-11-10.

    I have listened to them all as well as the Singing Barbershop podcasts that preceeded it. It is an excellent source of information for all choruses, but especially the smaller ones like ours. Your interviews on a varied range of topics have been very informative. I have encouraged our directors and board to take advantage of them. Thanks for your efforts!

  2. #2 by admin on March 15, 2010 - 3:40 pm

    Hi Ron,

    Glad you enjoyed the podcasts. They are fun to do but even more so when someone is enjoying the information and discussion.

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