Crossroads’ Brandon Guyton Talks Recording, Leadership & Long Distance Quartetting – Show #19

This week we have a very special interview with Crossroads Baritone Brandon Guyton. We discuss the origins of the quartet, life with the Ambassadors of Harmony, chapter leadership, Director Jim Henry & tuning guru David Wright.

Besides being a great singer and coach, Brandon is also a talented producer with an impressive resume of gold medal quartet CD’s under his belt.  We talk about the production quality and decisions made during the mixing and mastering process of the Crossroads CD’s.

Don’t miss your chance to see Crossroads at the upcoming “Road To Harmony” show with the Alexandria Harmonizers on September 24.  Get your tickets at

You can find more information about Brandon and Crossroads at or the Ambassadors of Harmony web site.

  1. #1 by Alan Wile on September 23, 2011 - 3:31 pm

    Great to have you back on line, Dean, and your interview with Brandon Guyton is timely, interesting, and revealing. Great job … keep it up!

  2. #2 by admin on September 23, 2011 - 3:41 pm

    Thanks Alan,

    It’s fun to be back in the saddle again. Brandon was indeed a great information source and a great guy to talk to.

    Dean Martin

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