Posts Tagged barbershop chorus

2009 Choir Of The World – Westminster Chorus. Interview with Justin Miller Show #9

Not only is he by extrapolation the 2009 Choir Director of the World winner – Justin Miller is just a genuinely nice guy.

We are honored to be able to gather some insights into the world champion Westminster Chorus through the eyes of their current director.  Not only is it a lesson in what makes this great chapter tick but also in how to make the most of the Barbershop experience that you desire from your chorus.

We can’t all look the same – but – if you begin with the end goal in mind you really can design a singing experience that is incredibly fulfilling and who knows… you may be the next international champion also.  Having fun and singing great are not mutually exclusive.

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Harmonizer Guest Night – Don’t Miss It

If you’re anywhere within driving distance of Alexandria, VA – come see us for an exciting evening of harmony, A Cappella and Barbershop music and fun!

Although you’re perfectly welcome to come as a guest or visitor on any of our meeting nights – this Tuesday, January 19, 2010 we have special activities planned just to honor visitors and guests who come to see us.

Go to for directions and information.


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