Flight 93 Memorial Chorus – Jeff Avey – Show #18

For the last 9 years the Chorus of the Potomac in Cumberland, MD have honored the everyday heroes of  Flight 93 by singing at the crash site each anniversary of 9/11/2001.  For this year’s 10th anniversary they decided to send an invitation to surrounding chapters and put together a combined chorus of 50 or 60 men.  And thus, the Flight 93 Memorial Chorus was born.

As news of what was happening spread and with some front page exposure on the Barbershop Harmony Society web site the chorus gained more and more participants from across the MD, PA, VA and WV region.  The chorus also began to receive additional invitations to perform on surrounding weekends at large churches and chapter shows.

Enjoy our interview with director Jeff Avey and the vision that he had that has turned into an incredible opportunity to honor not only those who gave their lives on 9/11 but also a tribute to over two centuries of those who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy.

Go to the Flight 93 web site or Facebook page for more info and performance dates.

Don’t miss the Alexandria Harmonizers “Road to Harmony” coming September 24 with two shows at 2pm & 7:30pm.  Quartets include Crossroads, Da Capo and Mayhem along with the Alexander Harmonizers.



  1. #1 by John Dunn on September 9, 2011 - 2:15 am

    Great interview, Dean, and kudos to director Jeff Avey.
    I just found your Harmocast and look forward to tuning in a bunch of time from here on.
    Thanks much.


  2. #2 by Chris Dunn on September 12, 2011 - 6:35 pm

    Well done, has their been any videos of the performance on Saturday in Shanksville. I really would like to see that and I know my Dad put alot of hard work into it.

  3. #3 by admin on September 14, 2011 - 5:14 pm

    I know there has been some video shot but it will take a while to clear the mechanical rights and actually make it available. Updates should be available via the facebook page or flight 93 memorial web site. http://www.flight93memorialchorus.com/

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