Marketing 101 for your Barbershop Chorus – Show #10

Whether you’re a Barbershop chorus, civic or other non-profit organization you know the frustration that comes from traditional marketing efforts.  Unfortunately, it’s very difficult for most of us to step outside the comfort zone of doing things the way we’ve always done them.

So, we just do the same things twice as hard – kind of like a department store losing a couple cents on every sale but trying to make it up in volume.

Can you step outside your box?  Analyze your marketing piece from a ‘non-barbershopper’ perspective?  Find a way to communicate and appeal to a true outsider?

Harmonizers Scipio Garling and Noah Van Gilder share their insight into successful marketing philosophy and strategy.
We love audio files!   Send us a comment, question or clarify something we totally botched on the show! or – teach us a tag…

Speaking of tags… we received an excellent one from Ryan Griffith at  Check it out at the end of the show.

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2009 Choir Of The World – Westminster Chorus. Interview with Justin Miller Show #9

Not only is he by extrapolation the 2009 Choir Director of the World winner – Justin Miller is just a genuinely nice guy.

We are honored to be able to gather some insights into the world champion Westminster Chorus through the eyes of their current director.  Not only is it a lesson in what makes this great chapter tick but also in how to make the most of the Barbershop experience that you desire from your chorus.

We can’t all look the same – but – if you begin with the end goal in mind you really can design a singing experience that is incredibly fulfilling and who knows… you may be the next international champion also.  Having fun and singing great are not mutually exclusive.

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‘Heatin up the Pipes’ – Vocal Warm-Ups Demystified. Show #8

“I’ve been talking all day – I don’t need to warm up”

If you’ve ever heard that comment (or made it) before chorus or quartet rehearsal you need to listen to this interview.

Vocal technician, Will Cox, reveals the secrets behind getting yourself mentally and physically prepared for creating incredible vocal tone.

Will mentioned a BHS publication – Effective Choral Warm-ups

Also mentioned was a handout that Joe Cerutti uses in his classes at Harmony University. Please contact Joe directly for this as there is a bit of explanation involved.

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Saying “I Love You” With A Song – Show #7

Forget about mail order Teddie Bears or PajamaGrams…  Real romantics know that the best way to show your love to someone is with a singing Valentine from a barbershop quartet and preferably one from the Alexandria Harmonizers!

This week we convince Josh Roots and Mark Klostermeyer to reveal all and find out what it takes to plan and execute a successful singing Valentines program.

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Vocal Master Class Meets Barbershop – Show #6


Ever wonder what it would take to move your vocal ability to the next level?


Have you ever had a ‘not so intelligent’ question you were afraid to ask a vocal expert?  Hopefully, we asked it for you as it’s obvious the brain trust was on the other side of the call.

We are pleased to present an incredible interview with two excellent vocal technicians and teachers – Wayne Adams and Tony Colosimo.  Along with their impressive resumes, both are just great guys and represent Barbershop harmony well.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

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Build It And They Will Come… Show #5

Having added more members in 2009 than in any of the previous 10+ years, the Harmonizers are experiencing an exciting time of growth as a chapter.

We are able to interview the VP of Chapter Development, Dan O’Brien and get some insight on what it means to have a dynamic, growing chapter and also maintaining a culture that is open and inviting to guests and new members.


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Harmonizer Guest Night – Don’t Miss It

If you’re anywhere within driving distance of Alexandria, VA – come see us for an exciting evening of harmony, A Cappella and Barbershop music and fun!

Although you’re perfectly welcome to come as a guest or visitor on any of our meeting nights – this Tuesday, January 19, 2010 we have special activities planned just to honor visitors and guests who come to see us.

Go to for directions and information.


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Ode To Pythagoras – Money, Math, Music and Barbershop – Show #4

More Harmonizers Holiday show fun…

We interview show producer Jeremy Knobel and Tom Kraus, one of the founders of TBD – a new a cappella group debuting on the holiday show.

Go to to purchase your tickets online or call (703)910-4600

Enjoy the tag to ‘Midnight Rose’

Finally, if you have any feedback about the show email info (at)  We’d love to hear audio feedback!  Just record your comments, criticism, witty banter or a cool tag and email it to me.

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Grown Men Hiding In Boxes – Show #3

I have the pleasure of interviewing two key players in the Alexandria Harmonizers Holiday show… Scipio Garling who just finished the script and Terry Reynolds who plays one of the lead roles.

Purchase your tickets while they’re still available… to purchase online or call (703) 910-4600

Dinner is Lasagna, Green Beans, Salad, Rolls, Holiday cookies and fruit, plus Ice Tea.
Dessert show is Gourmet Coffee and Tea selections, Cheesecake variety, Holiday cookies, and fruit.

Friday, December 4th at 7:00 pm
Saturday, December 5th at 11:00 am
Saturday, December 5th at 4:00 pm
Saturday, December 5th at 7:00 pm (dessert only)

Mentioned in the interview is Greg Pappas a ‘speed painter’.  You can see his work (and a cool video) at


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Through The Director’s Eyes – Joe Cerrutti – Show #2

We interview the musical leader of two great choruses – Alexandria Harmonizers & Pride of Baltimore Chorus.

Enjoy a small peek into the life of a champion caliber chorus director.  While enjoying past success in international level quartets and now leading two international level choruses, Joe maintains a teachable spirit and injects a lot of positive energy into the barbershop life of those around him.

Mentioned in the show is the hilarious ‘mic tester quartet‘ performance at Mid-Atlantic District competition.  Also linked here for your enjoyment is the ‘Round Midnight parody‘  that the Down a 4th guys absolutely nailed!   At 1:50 or so watch Joe almost break up as Mike ‘Glemboski’ Kelly pulls off his portrayal of Jeff.

Don’t miss the webcast of ‘Taking It From The Top’ – Alexandria Harmonizers, Pride of Baltimore Chorus, Maxx Factor Quartet and more…   Go to or for ticket info and webcast sign up.


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