eXtreme Quartetting and Harmony Brigade – Charlie Rose & Duane Henry – Show #14

Charlie Rose, Chuck Greene, Neal Siegal, Duane Henry

Having trouble getting enough quartetting in your life?  Follow Charlie’s example and just do whatever it takes to make it happen…  Of course, now that there are multiple brigades operating across the country you should be able to find a cure for your quartet itch.

Today we talk to Charlie Rose – founder of the North Carolina Harmony Brigade and Duane Henry one of the co-founder of the Indiana Harmony Brigade.

If you would like more information about attending (or starting your own) Harmony Brigade go to HarmonyBrigade.org

Don’t miss the Choir of the World Concert! Get your tickets today…

We want to hear from YOU!   Skype ID:  Harmocast – call and leave us a message!  Make it interesting or funny and we’ll include it on the show.   You can also call (703) 794-2730 and leave a voice message – or just record something to an .mp3 file and email to info (at) harmocast (dot) com

Want to teach a tag on the show?  Just record a tag teaching segment and email to the same address.

  1. #1 by Nic Cols on May 30, 2010 - 5:53 pm

    Good interview. I am a 14-yr member of North Carolina Harmony Brigade. I moved to Columbus GA 4 years ago for a new job, and there is no barbershop within driving range. I am now seriously considering starting a HB for Georgia and Alabama. Maybe call it “Geo-Bama Harmony Brigade” … that’s got a catchy sound to it. Do you know the names of music leadership in Georgia and Alabama that I could communicate with about starting this?

  2. #2 by Chris Mueller on July 25, 2011 - 11:58 am

    I strongly agree with Nic. The NCHB (North Carolina Harmony Brigade) and all of its wonderful successors are truly the reason why I’ve felt regenerated each year about being a quartet singer. What a fantastic concept. I strongly urge all quartet-capable guys to partake of this wonderful resource.

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