Presentation Coaching… It’s Not Just For Contest – Cindy Hansen Interview, Show # 11

Cindy HansenWith an incredible resume that includes working with and designing gold medal packages for choruses like Masters of Harmony and Vocal Majority along with quartets like Acoustix, The Ritz, Nightlife, FRED, 4 Voices and many, many more – Cindy Hansen is sought after the world over for her high energy coaching style and incredibly creative ideas.

Cindy graciously carved some time out of her busy travel schedule to talk about her current life as a coach, how she got started and what drives her to continue to be passionate about her craft.

I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did getting to know her.

We want to hear from YOU!   Skype ID:  Harmocast – call and leave us a message!  Make it interesting or funny and we’ll include it on the show.   You can also call (703) 794-2730 and leave a voice message – or just record something to an .mp3 file and email to info (at) harmocast (dot) com

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  1. #1 by Burt Stueve on March 27, 2010 - 10:15 pm

    Sensational interview. Cindy is not only a fantastic coach, she has a fantastic ability to describe the processes she employs in her coaching. Cindy is obviously well-suited to her profession and the Harmonizers are indeed fortunate to have her as part of our music and performance team. I’ve got to add that I’m equally thrilled to know that Geri Geis is back on our team. Steve, I haven’t met you yet, but I am truly impressed with your skills as host and interviewer. Nice speaking voice, too.

  2. #2 by admin on March 28, 2010 - 2:49 am

    Hi Burt, thanks for the compliment (the name’s Dean BTW :)).

    I must say though that the quality of any of these interviews comes from the quality of the interviewees – I’m just along for the ride. I do agree though that Cindy is an incredible individual and a great communicator.

    Oh, and an interview with Geri is in the works…

  3. #3 by Dick Dangel on March 29, 2010 - 5:41 pm

    Dean, this is first one I have listened to. This is really good stuff and you are a very professional interviewer. As Charlie Rose has said, it helps to be really nosy if you’re going to interview.

  4. #4 by admin on March 29, 2010 - 6:14 pm

    Thanks Dick,

    I guess it’s either nosy or dumb enough that I need a lot of gaps filled in the knowledge base…

  5. #5 by Chris Yates on April 2, 2010 - 10:40 am

    Dean, What a great interview! I’ve been coached by her and watched her coach many times and have always wanted to know more about her background. Of course there’s never time with the way the events go…we always work till the last minute and then we’re all worn out and head for home. How neat to be able to pull this up and listen at leisure. I hope everyone takes advantage of this! Chris.

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